Let me help you take back your sleep.

I am Amanda Hanki, a gentle sleep consultant in the Edmonton and surrounding area. My husband and I have one sports obsessed little man, a silly four year old and wee baby girl to make our family complete. In our house, we read board books on repeat. I am always cleaning up spilt milk (quite literally) and am now skilled at walking over scattered building blocks. I'm one of those moms who curl their hair on Monday and the goal is that it will still look good on Wednesday. I have a weird love for coffee cups and blankets and have way more than anyone would ever need. 

My passion for sleep started many moons ago. As a person who needs their sleep, having my first child tested me. He struggled. I struggled. We all struggled with sleep – or the lack of it. I went to my paediatrician and his advice was to seek out a sleep consultant. And after the process, I was thrilled with my results. I needed to support families liked mine, get the solutions for their sleepy families.  So hi, I'm Amanda and I want to help you get the rest your family needs. 

Trust me when I tell you there is light at the end of the tunnel!